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Google Chrome
To set Chrome to start a specific profile
If you are anything like me you'll have multiple profiles set in Chrome, either for multiple clients, different environments or simply to separate personal from work browsing.
Setting the profile can be done on the command line with this option:
--profile-directory=Profile 10
The profile directory can be found by looking in chrome://version . The command line can normally be appended to whatever icon you start it with.
To decrease security
Older devices like switches, routers etc, often don't have the latest encryption available. The 'correct' solution obviously, if they are out of support, is to throw them away and replace them, but that's not always practical or desired.
You can turn down the minimum acceptable encryption with this command line flag:
Permitted options are "sslv3", "tls1", "tls1.1" or "tls1.2" . There is also a --ssl-version-max
Last updated : 04 December 2024